Serve Locally

God loves this world and all people in it (John 3:16). God’s mission is to reunite heaven with earth (Matthew 6:10), which means restoration for this broken world. That’s why Jesus came – that we might have fullness of life (John 10:10). When a person receives the life of God through faith in Jesus, God’s spirit compels them to participate in his body, the church community, which is designed to be an outpost for God’s mission of restoration. The church community participates in this mission by simply loving our neighbors, helping the needy, feeding the poor, caring for the sick, seeking justice for the oppressed, having compassion on those who are outcasts, and by refusing to participate in any forms of darkness that continue to damage the people and the world that God loves.
Hope Covenant Church desires to be an outpost of God’s love and mission of restoration throughout El Dorado.  Here are some ways we seek to live this out:
Partnership with Grandview Elementary
There are many things throughout the year that we do to make sure the kids at Grandview Elementary know that they ar loved and we care about them. Below are just a few.
School Supply Drives
Before the start of every school year, Hope Covenant has a school supply drive to assist families in providing school supplies for their kids. 
Feed the Teachers
For conferences we provide a meal for all the teachers
Coat Drive
Every winter we do a coat, hat & mittens drive for the students.
Other Local Ministries we are involed in:
Numana, Butler Homeless Initiative, United Way, Salvation Army